The Lions of Michigan Foundation is a public charity that was created in 1984 to help Michigan Lions Clubs provide community services. We work in partnership with our member Lions Clubs and other organizations to provide disadvantaged individuals and families with access to affordable medical care and services designed to help improve their quality of life. While our programs encompass many areas, through screening, diagnosis, treatment, education and research, we primarily help underserved populations and financially struggling individuals who require assistance with eye care, hearing aids or an unexpected life event. Our services are offered statewide with a focus on helping Michigan residents succeed academically, develop normally, maintain independence and prosper in life.
Chad McCann, Executive Director
Who We Are


"He Got All A’s On His Last Report Card. It’s Not Always Easy Being A Single Parent, But It Is Comforting To Know That When Things Get Tough, The Lions Club Comes To The Rescue.”
Is A Public Charity That Was Created In The Early 1980’S To Help Lions Clubs Provide Services In Michigan Communities. We Are Dedicated To The Improvement Of The Quality Of Life Of People In Michigan With Unmet Needs.
And Other Charities To Provide Emergency Assistance And Deliver Services Aimed At Helping Children And Adults With Sight And Hearing Deficiencies Excel In School, Retain Employment And Maintain Self-Sufficiency.
Our motto is "Partners in Service" which both describes our close relationship with our Michigan Lions Clubs and auxiliaries and our philosophy on making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people in our state. It is our belief that by combining resources and working together with other charities, businesses and foundations, we can better address the issues that face our state, and we can confidently confront the challenges that lie ahead.
History of Lions
1917 – Lions Clubs International is established by Founder Melvin Jones.
1919 – District 10 (Upper Peninsula) is the first Lions district formed in the state of Michigan, with the organization of the Marquette Lions Club in October. District 11 (Lower Peninsula) is formed when the Grand Rapids Lions Club charters in November.
1920 – Detroit Lions Club sponsors the Windsor, Ontario Lions Club; this sponsorship creates Lions Clubs International.
1921 – Jackson Host Lions Club is chartered in May.
1923 – Grand Rapids Lion John Noel becomes the first Lions Clubs International President from Michigan.
1925 – Helen Keller challenges Lions to become “Knights of the Blind.”
1932 – White Cane is “born” in Michigan in the East Side Detroit Lions Club.
1936 – Michigan Legislature passes the “White Cane Law.”
1939 – Leader Dog School is launched in Rochester.
1940 – Leader Dog becomes a state project of Michigan Lions.
1940 – Jackson Host Lion Karl Sorrick becomes the second Lions International President from Michigan.
1941 – The Lower Peninsula is divided into two (2) sub-districts and becomes Multiple District 11.
1946 – Multiple District 11 is divided into four (4) sub-districts.
1952 – Multiple District 11 is divided into five (5) sub-districts.
1952 – Welcome Home for the Blind becomes a state project of the Lions of Michigan.
1953 – Bloomfield Lion S. A. Dodge is elected as the third Lions International President from Michigan.
1956 – Multiple District 11 is divided into seven (7) sub-districts.
1957 – The Ann Arbor Lions Club and Dr. John Henderson start the Michigan Eye Bank.
1971 – Michigan Eye Bank becomes a state project of the Lions of Michigan.
1974 – The Upper Peninsula is divided into two sub-districts and becomes Multiple District 10. The districts are 10-A (West) and District 10-B (East).
1976 – Michigan Multiple District 11 is divided into ten (10) sub-districts.
1978 – St. Johns Lion Ralph Lynam is elected as the fourth International President from Michigan.
1978 – The Lions of Michigan All-State Band is established.
1982 – The Michigan Past District Governors Association is organized.
1984 – The Lions of Michigan Service Foundation, Inc. (Lions of Michigan Foundation) is incorporated to partner with Michigan Lions Clubs and other organizations and charities to help improve the quality of life in Michigan.
2001 – Multiple District 10 combines District 10-A and 10-B into Single District 10.
2003 – Bear Lake Camp becomes an official project of Multiple District 11.
2008 – The Lions of Michigan Service Foundation (Lions of Michigan Foundation) becomes a state project of the Lions of Michigan.